(Hint: avoid buzzwords, write as if you were telling a friend).
Help us understand why we should care about what you’re doing, even if we’re not experts in your field.
150 words maximum, please.
Be sure to include what's new or interesting about how you're addressing this problem/opportunity for these customers.
100 words max, please.
What segment of the market to do plan to capture first?
100 words max, please
If you don't think you have competitors, how is the problem being addressed currently?
List your top three contacts (name, position), and what you learned from meeting with them.
Be sure to include what's new or interesting about how you're addressing this problem/opportunity for these customers.
If so, which ones?
100 words max, please.
100 words max, please.
Biographic Background Information
50 words max please.
50 words max please
50 words max, please.
30 words maximum, please.
50 words maximum, please.
50 words maximum, please.
50 words maximum, please